Your Business Product and Service Elevator Pitch
The phrase "elevator pitch" comes from the hypothetical scenario in which you find yourself on an elevator with your dream client and have only approximately 30 seconds to two minutes, the length of an average elevator ride, to sell yourself and your company’s product or service.
An elevator pitch is normally presented orally, but it can also be presented in writing, as a video, email, on a brochure, or voicemail . In a nutshell, it's a concise speech in which you provide the listener with an overview of your product or service professional background and how you would bring value to their organization by solving a problem for them when they use your product or service. (This listener could be someone you're networking with, a prospective decision maker, a prospective lead, a purchasing agent, etc.)
The goal in delivering your pitch is to remember to present your information concisely, clearly, and interestingly. You are selling yourself and your organization’s product/service ; your product/service and you are "the brand."
You will have to gauge your audience in terms of how much time you will have to present. Start by creating a one-minute, 30-second, and 15-second version of your pitch. It will be easier to trim back for the shorter versions so begin with the longest one.
Follow these four simple steps to create your elevator pitch:
1. Introduce yourself. Briefly tell the listener who you are from a professional standpoint.
2. Next, state your value, , your company’s product or service value, phrased as key results or a major impact you and your product/service would bring to the organization. This information should help your listener understand how you and your product/service can add value to their organization.
3. Move on to talking about the unique benefits or skills you and your product/service possess that you and that product/service would bring to their organization. It's here where you differentiate yourself, your product or service from other companies with similar product/services. Tell the listener how your product or service is better than the other products/services who are vying for the same piece of business. Be clear about why you're the best supplier for their organization. Briefly discuss your products top accomplishments in other business applications. If you have time, be prepared to introduce your products second most impressive achievement.
4. Describe your immediate goals to help them make money, save money and or solve a problem that has not be solved. Conclude with a forward looking statement, such as, "I'm looking forward to the opportunity to . . ." or "I would like to know more about. . . ." The listener should know what you are asking of them.
As I've said numerous times throughout my blogs and this book, companies hire a person whose product or service can solve a problem for them that is currently not being resolved. Ask yourself this question: "Where can I or my product add value to the organization?" They are looking for a service or product that can either save them money or make money for them. Keep this at the forefront of your mind when you write your elevator pitch for your product or service.
Remember to practice, practice, practice. You need to have your elevator pitch memorized by heart for face-to-face meetings where it is appropriate to use it. At the same time, make sure the presentation of your elevator pitch is natural and authentic-sounding.
A tip to help you memorize it is to say the first line five times in a row. Then add the second sentence. Say that sentence five times. Then say the first and second sentence together five times. Keep repeating this process, adding the next sentence, until you have said the entire elevator pitch five times. Repeat this process every day until you have your pitch memorized.
If possible, videotape or record yourself giving your elevator pitch and then play back the tape. Don't lose heart. Practically no one gets it right the first time. Everyone must practice. Whenever possible, videotape yourself practicing your UPS and elevator pitch. Watching yourself in action and listening to your various speech patterns can be a real eye-opener.
Pay particular attention to your body language and posture. Listen to the tone and speed of your voice and how well you are clearly speaking (enunciating) during your pitch.
Keep a written copy of your elevator pitch near the phone. That way it will be easier, when appropriate, to present your product or service “sales” pitch spur of the moment.
There is a great tool created by Harvard Business School (HBS) to help you build your elevator pitch. Go to www.alumni. hbs.edu/careers/pitch/.
HBS studies show that the average elevator pitch is 231 words in length.
They also tell us that the average pitch is 56 seconds long and has four repeated words in it.
Check your elevator pitch against the average pitch as a test to see if you need to edit yours so it is more in alignment with these suggested guidelines.
Contact me directly at 847-304-4500 (CST) or email me at sweet@TurbochargedSales.com if you would like me to professionally help you or your organization create a powerful “Business Success Pitch” to land new clients.
If you would need professional help in the area of determining whether or not your team is working together as best as they could. Are they helping your organizational goals, or slowing the progress down? Please call us at 847-304-4500 to discuss your options on understanding your team more fully in terms of their ability to support and achieve the corporate success you are looking for this year.
Have a great week and productive week, managing the changes and challenges that are currently going on in your company.
I wish you a wonderfully successful and productive week ahead.
Eleanor Anne Sweet
B2B Turbocharged Sales Consultant
Eleanor Anne Sweet
B2B Turbocharged Sales.com,
Division of The Remington Group, LLC
www.B2B TurbochargedSales.com
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