B2B Turbocharged Sales Tip:
3 Purposes of Your Letters/Emails
B2B Turbocharged Sales Tip: 3 Purposes of Your Letters
1. A business letter to transmit your product/service ability to solve their problem to a prospective buyer.
2. A letter of introduction to accompany your product benefit sheets that introduces your professional background and company’s professional background to a prospective customer/
3. A sales letter to convince a prospective buyer that you have something of value to contribute to their organization—just enough to motivate for them to grant you a face to face appointment.
You need to remember to write you cover letter for the reader (i.e., your prospective client) not from your perspective. What is of interest to them? What are they looking for?
Remember that part of the process involves increasing a hiring person’s ability to know, like, and trust you enough to want to do business with you and your corporate business. They also need to be able to quickly obtain some sense of how you can 1) save them money, 2) make them money, and/or 3) solve some problem with your corporate’s business’s product or service, for them that are currently not getting resolved.
Don't forget to do as much research as possible on the corporate companies you will be sending your corporate business introduction packet and cover letter to. The more you know about 1) the organization, 2) the corporate business challenges there, 3) the company buyer of your product/services, 4) the company's customer base, and 5) its competitors, the stronger and more targeted your letter will be to your audience, the purchasing agent for your corporate business’s product or services.
Obviously, your research will be more intense for your target group (25 ideal employers) versus your broadcast group (100 to 200 companies worth considering). Still, the primary question is: "What factors will motivate a perspective corporate decision maker/buyer to want to set up a face to face business introduction appointment?"
Industry experts tell us that the average reader used to spend 15 seconds looking at the cover letter before they moved on. This number has shrunk with the recession and the increased number of corporate sales proposals that are being sent out. Keep in mind too that like everyone, the decision makers and or purchasing department has seen staffing cuts and, in some cases, is outsourcing this screening process to independent contractors. As a result, it's a good bet that a fair number of resume reviewers will not be well versed with the company's genuine needs.
Perhaps this is why approximately 90% of all new business sales managers are currently landing their leads in the new business market via referrals and through networking. To increase your odds, here are a few hints for getting a new business appointment:
1. Send your paperwork to a high-level executive within the company who works in the particular business function or discipline most closely related to the product or service area that will purchase from you to help solve their particular business challenge. Try to get it in the hands of a high-ranking individual in the product or service area that is most appropriate relative to your company’s product or service expertise.
This strategy will increase your odds of tapping into your new business market. At this level, these executives might be aware of additional internal purchasing needs that have not yet been officially posted but need to be bid on within the organization.
A lot of times, even the purchasing department is not aware of these future needs. That being said, if you target high-level executives, your information will likely be given greater consideration than it would be by the overloaded purchasing department.
2. Cull through your networking contacts and research to unearth the name of an actual person within the organization whom you can actually leverage to refer you. Then, if possible, use the name of that person you have networked with, either internally or externally, in your introduction letter.
The key here is to engage, elaborate and elevate the corporate new business conversation to the next level, buying.
Cal me at 847-504-4500 to talk about your business and create a simple sales plan to help you achieve your sales goals for this year.
Have a great week and productive week!
I wish you a wonderfully successful and productive week ahead.
Eleanor Anne Sweet
B2B Turbocharged Sales.com
Division of The Remington Group, LLC
Your B2B Business Advisor, Strategist and Coach.
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